What is Oneness Pentecostalism?
For many people, “Pentecostal” is a new word. Although it has become much more common in recent years, its roots go back to an ancient Jewish feast and, more recently, to the first outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the earliest Christian believers. Because this initial outpouring of the Spirit took place on the Day of Pentecost (Acts chapter 2), those who experience a similar infilling of the Spirit are known as Pentecostals. They look to the Book of Acts as a guide for how to live out their Christian faith. Many of the key players in Acts were eyewitnesses of the life and teachings of Jesus, and it follows that they would have the clearest insight into the way in which to worship Jesus.
How is the UPCI different from other Pentecostal groups?
The United Pentecostal Church International is the largest Oneness Pentecostal organisation. Our identity includes belief in the Oneness of God; the new birth experience as described in Acts 2:38; living an overcoming, holy life; passionate worship; and more.
Who can I speak to about becoming Pentecostal?
Local UPCI ministers in your area would be delighted to connect with you personally and discuss the Pentecostal experience. You may check our churches section to see which church is closest to you to connect with, or you can Click Here to get in touch with us now and we’ll reach out to you.